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Takeda will discontinue global manufacturing of NATPARA by the end of 2024. Learn How This May Affect You

Injection Training

We help prepare your patients to self-administer NATPARA

Nurse showing the NATPARA kit.

How we can help your patients get started

All patients prescribed NATPARA are provided injection training by a Registered Nurse through the NATPARA Nurse Educator team. A Patient Support Manager works with the Nurse Educator team to assign each patient a specially trained NATPARA Nurse Educator. The Nurse Educator will contact the patient within 2 business days of receiving his/her NATPARA shipment to schedule up to 4 sessions of complimentary training in the patient's home, including:

Nurse showing the NATPARA kit.
  • Delivering the injection device and demonstrating how to assemble it
  • Walking through the reconstitution and administration process for the first 3 cartridges (Days 1, 15, and 29 of treatment)
  • Calling the patient after each training to check in and answer any questions
  • Providing materials to help patients take an active role in their treatment

When patients are mixing the cartridge alone for the first time, there will be a Nurse Educator on the phone

Questions or concerns?

Please call 1-866-888-0660, Monday through Friday,
8:30 AM to 8:00 PM ET

Reference: 1. NATPARA [package insert]. Shire Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

NATPARA® and the NATPARA Logo® are registered trademarks of Takeda Pharmaceuticals, U.S.A,. Inc.